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So far sballard has created 104 blog entries.

Tide Mill engineers replace penstock guides


Tide Mill Engineers at work Running an old Mill takes a man down a pit I'm sure we've all had trouble with our penstock from time-to-time? Sometimes also called a gate valve, the Tide Mill's penstock controls if, when and how much water leaves the mill pond and flows under the mill wheel to turn it. It is held in place by guides that make sure the gate is well seated (doesn't leak) on the flange behind it. The guides have angled shims that push the gate backwards against the flange as it closes to improve [...]

Tide Mill engineers replace penstock guides2024-01-11T10:04:49+00:00

Cracking Riverside Easter Egg Hunt draws crowds


Cracking Riverside Easter Egg Hunt draws crowds Approaching 100 make 2022 Hunt the best yet The Woodbridge Tide Mill Easter Egg Hunt took place on Weds morning 13th April. Nearly 100 children of all ages came along in the sunshine to hunt for 12 hidden egg pictures spread around Woodbridge Riverside (the ‘Front’) in Woodbridge Tide Mill, Woodbridge Museum and The Longshed. Visitor Tim Johnson commented “It’s great to bring the kids to a good-old fashioned Easter Egg Hunt. They have enjoyed the Hunt and, of course, the chocolate. Despite living in the area for years  [...]

Cracking Riverside Easter Egg Hunt draws crowds2024-01-11T10:04:37+00:00

Curator Vacancy


Curator Vacancy The Tide Mill Trust is seeking a volunteer Curator Curator Sought The Tide Mill Trust is seeking a volunteer Curator to oversee and develop its small collection of historic material covering: the conservation and safe storage of material adding to the Collection cataloging the Collection organising occasional displays of material in the Mill Whist prior experience would be useful, training can be provided if the role appeals. If you are interested please email John Carrington, Chair of Trustees: chair@woodbridgetidemill.org.uk

Curator Vacancy2024-01-11T10:04:33+00:00

Fantastic 3D Son et Lumière 22 Dec 2021


The Spirit of Christmas Son et Lumiere event Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum was happy to play it's part as backdrop for this fantastic event. What a great evening! The Spirit of Christmas Son et Lumiere event was projected onto The Tide Mill, Woodbridge at 8pm on Weds 22 Dec, 2021 with Free Entry It  followed The Woodbridge Rotary Club Carol Service on Whisstocks Place which started at 6:30pm It was created by Clare Perkins, known to many in Woodbridge as a former Mayor. Clare worked in collaboration with others, she said "As the producer, it [...]

Fantastic 3D Son et Lumière 22 Dec 20212024-01-11T10:04:25+00:00

‘Design a machine for home to make your life easier’ competition winners


'Design a machine for home to make your life easier' competition winners Sandlings Primary school duo prevail Our Tide Mill Education Lead, Heather challenged Teachers and U11s to enter a competition to 'design a machine for home to make your life easier'. And the winners are: - Audrey Salia - Year 2 (Giraffes Class) at Sandlings Primary. She designed Cat the Cleaner and even made a version - see below Ivy Marsden - Year 5 (Panthers Class) at Sandlings Primary. She designed 'Jenny'. They both win a free visit [...]

‘Design a machine for home to make your life easier’ competition winners2024-01-11T10:04:20+00:00

Henry helps Dan avoid dust up


Henry helps Dan avoid dust up Head Miller Dan's ingenious solution to flour dust "you couldn't see your hand in front of your face!" So said Dan when he was originally faced with a busy milling schedule at Woodbridge Tide Mill. The clouds of ultra-fine flour generated every time the Millers ground the Tide Mills famous Traditional and Fine flour provided an unpleasant workplace that needed a lot of cleaning and was potentially explosive! After careful research of the many, often expensive, extraction alternatives available Dan had a brainwave. He would seek assistance from his old [...]

Henry helps Dan avoid dust up2021-11-15T20:44:04+00:00

SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Son et Lumiere on The Tide Mill


SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Son et Lumiere on The Tide Mill, Woodbridge SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Son et Lumiere on The Tide Mill, Woodbridge December 22nd, 2021, at 8pm with Free Entry Following The Woodbridge Rotary Club Carol Service on Whisstocks Place which starts at 6:30pm Clare Perkins is known to many here in Woodbridge and she is the creative producer of the Spirit of Christmas Son et Lumière event. Working in collaboration with a group of people, Clare says "As the producer, it is an honour to work with such a professional and talented team who are [...]

SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Son et Lumiere on The Tide Mill2024-01-11T10:06:14+00:00

2022 TM Calendars on sale now


2022 TM Calendars on sale now An original gift just £9.99 Buy a calendar here We held a Photo Competition! Following on from our popular Photo Competition, we have launched a Charity Calendar for 2022 to raise funds for the Tide Mill Charitable Trust. The high quality, A4, landscape, laminated, calendars feature the Competition’s winning photos as well as the best of the hundreds of entries as selected by a panel of Judges. The spectacular images of the Mill on the Deben capture it during the seasons and remind us of how lucky we are to [...]

2022 TM Calendars on sale now2024-01-11T10:09:52+00:00

Please help us improve – complete our survey


Please help us improve Your feedback is helpful to us Please let us know how you use the Mill It would help us a great deal to know what you think about visiting the Tide Mill. When you visit, why you visit, how you visit and so on. It only takes a few minutes and let's us know how to fulfil our role of museum operators better. Thank you for your help Click here to complete the survey

Please help us improve – complete our survey2024-01-11T10:09:49+00:00

Wheel turning suspended until Sat 16 Oct 2021


Wheel turning suspended until Sat 16 Oct Penstock problems need repairing The Maintenance Team has just disabled the Penstock so they can make a much needed repair. Unfortunately this means that we will not be able to turn the wheel until the new part is fixed. We hope we will be able to turn the wheel again from Sat 16 October. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Wheel turning suspended until Sat 16 Oct 20212024-01-11T10:09:44+00:00

Head Miller Dan solves Tide Mill weed problem


Head Miller Dan solves Tide Mill weed problem Woodbridge Tide Mill’s millpond had a problem. The Problem Woodbridge Tide Mill’s millpond had a problem. Weed was growing in an uncontrollable manner, and this was blocking the point at which water is released from the pond to power the millwheel and grind wheat. The weed grows from the bottom, eventually detaches and floats to the top. Underneath the floating dead weed there’s half a meter of clear water and then more weed growing from the bottom of the pond. It grows vigorously in the warm summer but [...]

Head Miller Dan solves Tide Mill weed problem2024-01-11T10:08:05+00:00

Woodbridge Tide Mill Photo competition 2021 winners announced


Woodbridge Tide Mill Photo competition 2021 winners announced Winners photos and those selected for the Tide Mill Calendar 2022 HERE Woodbridge Tide Mill announced the winners of its 2021 Photo Competition. Although the Tide Mill is probably the most photographed building in Woodbridge this is the first time it has recognised the fact with a Competition. Tide Mill Photo Competition Award l-r Sam Pyle Winner, Zoe Harris Runner Up First placed is Sam Pyle from Woodbridge with her photograph ‘Serenity’. Sam wins £250 courtesy of Marshall Hatchick Solicitors plus an A2 Acrylic print of the [...]

Woodbridge Tide Mill Photo competition 2021 winners announced2024-01-11T10:07:56+00:00

Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust seeks two volunteer Trustees


Volunteer Trustee Wanted Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust seeks a volunteer Trustee Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust The Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust seeks a new Trustee to join the Board on a voluntary basis. Woodbridge Tide Mill Living Museum is an award-winning, Grade I listed visitor attraction on the Suffolk coast. Built in 1793 and now fully restored, it provides a wide-range of learning opportunities for all ages, as well as milling and selling its own flour. This is an exciting time for the Mill with a number of projects in development and a chance [...]

Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust seeks two volunteer Trustees2024-01-11T10:07:46+00:00

Job Vacancy: Project Development Coordinator


Job vacancy Project Development Coordinator £20,000pa pro rata for 4 days a week. One year contract, renewable. We are seeking an enthusiastic self-starter for an exciting new job that would suit an early to mid-career professional to support the development and delivery of museum projects. Our award-winning living tide-mill museum and friendly team provide an inspirational environment for gaining a wide-range of museum experience. From assisting the curator with temporary displays to supporting online learning and commercial initiatives, you will play an important role in realising our museums ambitions for the future. You will be a [...]

Job Vacancy: Project Development Coordinator2024-01-11T10:07:29+00:00

The oldest tide mill was horizontal!


The oldest tide mill was horizontal! Water wheels also work laying down apparently Nendrum Mill excavation Researching tide mills the other day I asked the internet about the earliest. It declared that the earliest tidal mill so far discovered in Europe was excavated at Nendrum, Northern Ireland. It was built between 619 and 621 for an early Christian monastery (there's always a monastery involved somewhere). The research says "Tidal mills have continued in use until modern times but were always rare by comparison with standard riverine mills". You don't come across the word 'riverine' every [...]

The oldest tide mill was horizontal!2024-01-11T10:07:26+00:00

Suffolk Cllr Matthew Hicks visits Woodbridge Tide MIll Museum


Suffolk Council Leader, Cllr. Matthew Hicks visits Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum Local County Councillor meets Mill management Leader of Suffolk County Council, Councillor Matthew Hicks visited Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum on Monday 21 June and was given a guided tour by Head Miller Dan Tarrant - Willis and John Carrington, Chair of the Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust. Mr Hicks, who was visiting the Mill for the first time, saw the old wooden machinery turning and was informed about the operation of the Mill. Dan gave him a run-through of the daily operations and how the many [...]

Suffolk Cllr Matthew Hicks visits Woodbridge Tide MIll Museum2024-01-11T10:07:06+00:00

National Volunteer Week


National Volunteer Week Help out, learn, join a team and make friends Happy Volunteer Week! This week, 1st June - 7th June, the country celebrates national volunteers from across the sectors. This is a time to say thank you for the contributions millions of people make across the U.K. Join us in celebrating and recognising the contribution so many volunteers make. Volunteering is rewarding but also exciting for so many reasons. Spending time with new people learning new skills is something everyone can enjoy. The Tide Mill relies on the support of volunteers but also the [...]

National Volunteer Week2024-01-11T10:11:52+00:00

Spring 2021 – Newsletter


Spring 2021 – Newsletter The latest Woodbridge Tide Mill Newsletter Features This Month: View From The Bridge, the Manager, Milling & Marketing, Curation, Engineering, Profiles of Volunteers plus Dates For Your Diary Click the image above for the full copy.

Spring 2021 – Newsletter2024-01-11T10:11:35+00:00
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