We are open!
Join us in celebrating the full reopening of the Tide Mill!

Reopening Plans
We have finally fully reopened! Thanks to the current easing of restrictions, we are not limited to the number of visitors we can welcome at any one time and advance booking is no longer required. When visiting, we ask that all visitors wear masks, as will any volunteers and staff. Hand sanitisers will also be available within the Mill. Friends can collect their discounted flour at any time (11am-5pm) and the online facility will cease. When visiting, you can enjoy several different exhibitions. This includes our Weights and Measures exhibition which allows visitors to view an extremely rare Half and full bushel, French Platform Scales, the large Tide Mill balance scales, and newly acquired chondrometer. Our Work of the Craftsmen exhibition will still be ongoing which showcases the Craftsmen that built the Mill. Later in the year, visitors will also get to experience the Staff of The Life exhibition. This exhibition highlights how our flour is used to supply the community. This exhibition features a collection of period baking utensils and archive documents looking at the importance of flour. This display will provide a link to food, science topics as well as demonstrating how the utensils and equipment would have been used in a mock kitchen. To find out more about these exhibitions, check out our events page.