Community support plays a vital role in the survival of the Tidemill
The Tide Mill relies on the support of the surrounding community. The Tide Mill used to be the centre of industry in Woodbridge but even though that has changed it is still a large part of the local community. Without the support of the local community the Woodbridge Tide Mill would not be able to be one of only two mills still milling flour in a traditional stoneground way. Whether you can help as an active Volunteer or by donating financially as a Friend of The Tide Mill, we welcome any support!
Mission Statement
Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum seeks to preserve and develop the Tide Mill and its Collections as living links to the agricultural, industrial, and maritime heritage of Woodbridge, and to its cultural and social history. The museum endeavours to provide an accessible heritage experience that entertains, educates and inspires all its visitors.
Interested in supporting The Tide Mill?

Become a Friend
Support The Tide Mill financially by becoming a Friend of Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum
The earliest known record of a tide mill, at Woodbridge on the River Deben, is from 1170. A tide mill has stood in Woodbridge for over 850 years, using the renewable energy of the tides to drive its waterwheel, and produce stoneground wholemeal flour. The Tide Mill embodies generations of English technological and cultural heritage, from Norman times to the present day. The mill that stands today was built in 1793 and its machinery showcases much of the innovation and technology of the early Industrial Revolution. As a very old wooden building on a river, the Mill has to be repainted by craftsmen every 5-10 years. This, along with substantial ongoing maintenance costs, means the Tide Mill requires significant financial support.
The lion’s share of these costs, which amount to hundreds of thousands of pounds, are covered by entrance fees, merchandise sales and the kind donations of Friend’s of the Tide Mill.
Becoming a Friend costs a minimum subscription of £10 a year – but we hope you’ll give more!
Benefits of becoming a Friend of The Tide Mill
Pay by bank transfer
Instruct your bank to pay one off of regularly using the following details: –
Bank Sort Code: 30-99-85
Bank Account: 00137593
Payment Reference: Friend*yoursurname*
By cash or cheque
Call in and pay in person or
post a cheque payable to ‘Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust’ to:
The Manager
Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum
Tide Mill Way
IP12 1BY
Are you a Friend of the Mill and DON’T receive updates or the newsletter by e-mail but would like to?
To ensure we have the correct e-mail address for you please (click here) to send an e-mail to our Friends Coordinator and she will check and confirm matters with you personally.
Donate Here
This is for people who just wish to help the Tide Mill by donating and do not wish to become a Friend of the Tide Mill (see above)
If you are a UK taxpayer it helps us if you enhance your donation by signing a Gift Aid declaration which enables us to reclaim the tax you have paid.
Instructions are on the Gift Aid Form you can download below including where to send it afterwards
There are two ways to donate
Pay by bank transfer
Instruct your bank to pay one off of regularly using the following details: –
Bank Sort Code: 30-99-85
Bank Account: 47677468
Payment Reference: Donate*yoursurname*
By cash or cheque
Call in and pay in person or
post a cheque payable to ‘Woodbridge Tide Mill Charitable Trust’ to: