Woodbridge Tide Mill is a Grade I listed building dating back to 1793. As you can imagine this together with the building being over three floors does give us some challenges in being able to provide equitable access.
We are however determined to improve where we can and to provide alternative ways of experiencing the Mill where the structure makes access for everyone impossible.
The information which is provided below will help you to be able to plan your visit to the Tide Mill, and help make it an enjoyable experience. We will update this page as further improvements are made.
There is no parking available at the Mill itself. It is suggested that nearby accessible parking is used to visit the Mill, there is a car park at the Rail station with 6 marked extra wide disabled parking bays.
The route to the Tide Mill over level paved/gravel pathways/roads as shown on the map below.

©Google Maps
- Follow the roadway from the parking space across the front of the rail station
- Turn left onto gravelled path and follow to main road
- Turn right onto path and pass the pedestrian crossing on your left
- Turn into first road on your right after passing pedestrian crossing and follow road over level crossing to the end by the boat yard crane
- Turn left onto quayside path and follow to the end. You will be able to see the white Tide Mill building across to your right
- Turn right at end of quayside path and the Tide Mill is in front of you approximately 100m away
The distance from the car park to the Tide Mill can be covered in approximately 7 minutes.
The Tide Mill
The Tide Mill can be accessed via the front door with the aid of a small ramp or via the rear of the building on a level wooden walkway. Free admission is provided to carers.
The Ground Floor area of the Museum is accessible. The first and second floors can only be reached via a staircase. Videos of these floors showing the machinery and exhibits are available to view on the ground floor
The Tide Mill has a disabled access toilet with hand washing, and a hand dryer. The toilet has space for two people and the toilet area has hand rails. A fold down baby changing table is available.
As some visitors can be sensitive to both light and sound the link below shows an outline of each floor of the Tide Mill indicating sources of light and sound.
Sensory Backpacks are available
Woodbridge Tide Mill is welcoming more and more children and families these days but sometimes, when it is busy, it may be an overwhelming or even stressful experience for individuals with sensory processing disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are delighted to announce that we now have sensory backpacks. The backpacks are designed to make a visit more accessible and enjoyable for children who need a little extra support.
The backpacks are free to use and are located on the entrance desk. You can ask for one from any of our friendly staff and they will happily lend it to you for the duration of your visit, just return it before you leave.
Each backpack contains
- Two squeezable fidget toys – to calm an overanxious mind
- Ear defenders – if the Mill machinery gets too noisy
- Sunglasses – if the light gets too much
- A torch – for those gloomy Museum corners and to see our machinery in a little more detail
- A ‘feelings indicator’ – if you’re too shy to express yourself
- A magnifying glass – to help find those pesky hidden mice
- A sensory map – to show you where the noisy and quiet areas of the museum are
- The museum trail – to keep you busy on your visit and which you can then take home with you
Tide Mill Quiet Visits
Tide Mill Quiet Visits are designed for families with a neurodivergent parent or child, including those with autism and sensory processing requirements, or anyone who will benefit from a quiet visit to the Tide Mill Museum.

During Quiet Visits the Museum will run with a reduced capacity – exclusive to Quiet Visitors, and we will lower volume levels, or not run, any noisy machinery or exhibits, all to create a more relaxed environment.
The Mill isn’t a naturally noisy place. Most of the ancient machinery runs with wood moving against metal to reduce the chance of sparks and wear. This makes the machinery quite quiet when it is running with canvass belts moving around wooden shafts and the water wheel gently lapping. It has an almost somnolent rhythm.
The mill wheels themselves are also not noisy. There is percussive tap, tap, tap as the Damsel apparatus releases grain into the centre of the stones but the whole experience is not alarming. Outside is equally tranquil with frequent birdsong, the slapping of sailboat sheets from the adjacent marina and regular river noises.
There are quiet spaces around the Mill available for those who may need them. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for noise beyond our control and the Mill is located on a busy waterfront. However the Mill and its environs are usually peacefully quiet.
Quiet Visits cost one adult entry fee and are by arrangement, so please call 01394 388202 to book your visit.