Record Woodbridge Historic Riverside Easter Egg Hunt
attracted over 100 families

The Woodbridge Tide Mill Easter Egg Hunt on Sun 31 Mar attracted over 100 families, a record despite the overcast weather. At least 150 Fairtrade eggs were won by children hunting for Deben River egg pictures and the wonderful birds they belong to around the Woodbridge Historic Riverside.
Woodbridge Tide Mill Museum, The Longshed and Woodbridge Museum cooperated once again to host the event, the third Easter Egg Hunt run by them as part of Woodbridge Historic Riverside – (which for years was known as Whipstock’s Boatyard). Previous Easter Egg Hunts have attracted large numbers of egg-hunters, mainly local families, in search of clues and, ultimately, chocolate. Maybe the recent release of the BAFTA-nominated British film Wonka helped make it a success.
Thanks go to Tassa Deparis, the Woodbridge Historic Riverside event organiser, and Councillor Sue Bale who championed the use of Fairtrade eggs. Tass Deparis commented “It was relentless and much busier than last year – some families came from Ipswich which didn’t happen last year. That was lovely to see”.